Engine measurement
Our engine test bay is our pride and joy. It lets us perform a wide range of automated measurements on combustion and mild hybrid engines. We can test units which have been mounted both lengthways and crossways.
- Function testing
- Endurance testing
- Diagram of the complete product lifecycle up to 150,000 km of mileage within 3 months
- Dynamic and stationary measurements
- Driver and vehicle simulations
- RLS/v and RLS/Alpha
Real switch operation with automatic transmission or simulated manual operation
- RLS/v and RLS/Alpha
- Indicator measurements
- Exhaust measurements
- Calculating emissions using CVS measurement
Simulation of RDE drives
- Calculating emissions using CVS measurement
- Thermo-shock tests
- Control device application tests

We’ve always got your results in mind
On request, we can send you an export of original measurement data automatically twice a day – via an encrypted VPN connection, of course – to help you maintain an overview of your test results at all times.

Powertrain measurement
Our test benches enable us to perform all kinds of measurement of powertrains for engines mounted lengthways or crossways. From individual components such as transmissions, drive shafts and differentials through to drive systems, the configuration options are practically unlimited.
- Endurance testing
- Diagram of the complete product lifecycle up to 150,000 km of mileage within 3 months
- Dynamic and stationary measurements
- Driver and vehicle simulations
- RLS/v
Cycle profiles
- RLS/v
- Shift force and gearshift travel measurements
- Clutch force and clutch travel measurements
- Mapping measurements
Always there for you: your contact partner
We want to make it easy for you to find out how your project is coming along. All you have to do is pick up the phone to reach your contact partner.
Our engineers keep a close eye on your units under test to ensure precise, conclusive measurement results. They configure the technical systems on an ongoing basis, analyse, evaluate and document the data recorded and actively intervene in the testing process if required.
- Automation
- Development of tailored processes and components for automation systems
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Monitoring
Evaluation and processing of measurement data
Compiling reports
Engine appraisal and damage analysis
Managing approval runs and giving approval recommendations
- Monitoring
- Optimisation of oil consumption
- Mass spectrometer maintenance
Development of component-specific solutions to optimise oil consumption
- Mass spectrometer maintenance

All-round service with MTK
From the concept to implementation and documentation, our full service package helps to guarantee that your instructions are followed exactly in all project phases – so that you can relax and focus on your own work.
We’re happy to assist you!

Phone: (0 84 58) 32 43 – 0